EMOD How To's


Table Of Contents

Create a demographics file


The demographics file is a required input file for EMOD that specifies characteristics of the population in a simulation. This includes aspects like the population size, birth rates, non-malaria mortality rates, age structure, initial prevalence, and more. Full documentation on the demographics file can be found here.

At least one demographics file is required for every simulation unless you set the parameter Enable_Demographics_Builtin to 1 (one) in the configuration file. This setting does not represent a real location and is generally only used for testing and validating code.

For many applications, users often will reuse a standard demographics file and make modifications by hand or by script. In more complex simulations, creating a demographics file from scratch may be needed.

1. Parts of a demographics file

A demographics file is a JSON file organized into 4 main sections:

  1. Metadata
  2. NodeProperties
  3. Defaults
    • Parameters applied to all nodes in the simulation
  4. Nodes: each node is a simulated location. Transmission within a node is well-mixed, and nodes are connected by human and/or vector migration.
    • Allows node-specific parameters
    • Specified parameters override values in ‘Defaults’
# Structure of Demographics File for a simulation with 1 node
     "Metadata": {
          "DateCreated": "dateTime",
          "Tool": "scriptUsedToGenerate",
          "Author": "author",
          "IdReference": "Gridded world grump2.5arcmin",
          "NodeCount": "1"
     "NodeProperties": [
     "Defaults": {
          "NodeAttributes": {
            "BirthRateSource": "World Bank",
            "CountryBirthRate": 31.047,
            "World Bank Year": "2016",
          "IndividualAttributes": {...},
          "IndividualProperties": {...}
     "Nodes": [{
          "NodeID": 1,
          "NodeAttributes": {
            "BirthRate": 0.1190,
            "InitialPopulation": 1400,
            "Village": "Obom"
          "IndividualAttributes": {...},
          "IndividualProperties": {...}

2. Creating a demographics file

First, create a file “my_node.csv” with the following columns:


  • nodeid (unique # 1-n, for n nodes)
  • population (starting population size)


  • Other node-specific variables, if any, such as village name, latitude, and longitude

Example “my_node.csv”:

nodeid population Village lat lon
1 1400 “Obom” 5.760759 -0.4473415

Next, run generate_demographics():

import os
import pandas as pd
import json
from dtk.tools.demographics.DemographicsGeneratorConcern import WorldBankBirthRateConcern, EquilibriumAgeDistributionConcern, DefaultIndividualAttributesConcern
from dtk.tools.demographics.DemographicsGenerator import DemographicsGenerator

##### Example for Ghana #####

def generate_demographics(demo_df, demo_fname, days_spread=1) :
  # Get WorldBank birth rate estimate
  # UPDATE country and birthrate_year
  br_concern = WorldBankBirthRateConcern(country="Ghana", birthrate_year=2016)

  chain = [

    current = DemographicsGenerator.from_dataframe(demo_df,
                                                   include_columns=['Village'])  # Add any "optional" columns

    with open(demo_fname, 'w') as fout :
      json.dump(current, fout, sort_keys=True,indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))

df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(<PATHTOFILE>,"my_node.csv"))  # Modify PATHTOFILE
demo_fname = os.path.join(<INPUTPATH>,"FILENAME_demographics.json") # Modify INPUTPATH and FILENAME

generate_demographics(df, demo_fname)

Create multi-node simulations


1. Generating demographics

To run simultaneous simulations in multiple nodes, create an input file “my_nodes.csv” with one row for each node.

Ex. “my_nodes.csv”

nodeid population Village
1 1400 “Obom”
2 2255 “Kofi Kwei”
3 1800 “Village 3”

Then, run


2. Setting Node-Specific Parameters

Sometimes we want to vary properties between nodes based on prior knowledge. For any NodeAttribute parameters, these can be created simply by specifying them in the my_nodes.csv as columns and setting load_other_columns_as_attributes=True in the call to DemographicsGenerator().

To set IndividualAttributes or IndividualProperties, see the following example. Imagine we know the proportion of “high-risk” individuals in each node and want to use this designation to target them for an intervention.

First, we would add a column to our input file representing the high-risk proportion in each node.

nodeid population Village high_risk
1 1400 “Obom” 0.05
2 2255 “Kofi Kwei” 0.10
3 1800 “Village 3” 0.50

Then, when we can assign the “high_risk” property to individuals in each node with the probability listed in the table, by adding the following code to the end of the generate_demographics() function definition, before writing the .json file.

current = DemographicsGenerator(...)
for r, row in demo_df.iterrows() :
    current['Nodes'][r]['IndividualProperties'] = [{"Property":"high_risk",
                                                    "Values": ['yes','no'],
                                                    "Initial_Distribution": [row['high_risk'], (1-row['']high_risk)]}]

with open(demo_fname, 'w') as fout :
  json.dump(current, fout, sort_keys=True,indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))

We can see this reflected in the demographics file:

     "Metadata": {
          "DateCreated": "dateTime",
          "Tool": "scriptUsedToGenerate",
          "Author": "author",
          "IdReference": "Gridded world grump2.5arcmin",
          "NodeCount": "1"
     "NodeProperties": [
     "Defaults": {
     "Nodes": [{
          "NodeID": 1,
          "NodeAttributes": {
            "BirthRate": 0.1190,
            "InitialPopulation": 1400,
            "Village": "Obom"
          "IndividualAttributes": {...},
          "IndividualProperties": [
                    "Initial_Distribution": [
                    "Property": "high_risk",
                    "Values": [
          "NodeID": 2,
          "NodeAttributes": {
            "BirthRate": 0.1690,
            "InitialPopulation": 2255,
            "Village": "Kofi Kwei"
          "IndividualAttributes": {...},
          "IndividualProperties": [
                    "Initial_Distribution": [
                    "Property": "high_risk",
                    "Values": [
          "NodeID": 3,
          "NodeAttributes": {
            "BirthRate": 0.2190,
            "InitialPopulation": 1800,
            "Village": "Village 3"
          "IndividualAttributes": {...},
          "IndividualProperties": [
                    "Initial_Distribution": [
                    "Property": "high_risk",
                    "Values": [

Set up migration between nodes

Multi-node simulations allow for the possibility that humans or vectors will move between nodes. EMOD allows 6 migration types for humans (Local, Regional, Sea, Air, Family, and campaign) and two for vectors (Local and Regional). Other than the campaign type, all other migration types are set via input files and scaling factors in config.json, and these migration rates will remain the same throughout the simulation: we will call these “ongoing migration” to distinguish from the “forced migration” that is set via campaigns.

Multiple migration modes can be used for each agent type (human or vector) simultaneously. For example, we can set up a simulation using Local, Sea, and campaign migration for humans and Local and Regional migration for vectors.

Ongoing Migration


See EMOD documentation on migration parameters for full parameter list and specifications.

In ongoing migration, heterogeneity in migration can be specified by setting Enable_Migration_Heterogeneity to 1 in config.json and setting migration rate distribution parameters in demographics.json. However, this heterogeneity is age-independent, and ongoing migration does not allow the user to specify age-dependent migration patterns.

Local, Regional, Sea, and Air migration types are not implemented differently in EMOD. Their names are for human-readability and interpretation. We often use Local migration to model short-distance, short-duration trips and Regional to model longer-distance, longer-duration trips, but this is not required.

To set up ongoing migration:

  1. Create CSV
  2. Convert to BIN
  3. Update Configuration Parameters
Human Migration example: Local migration

To specify migration rates, create a file “local_migration.csv” with columns specifying the origin node, destination node, and migration rate (1/trip duration). In the example below, people from Node 1 visit node 2 for 5 days (or vice versa), and people from Node 3 visit node 2 for 3 days (or vice versa). There is no local human movement between between Node 1 and Node 3.

Node 1 Node 2 0.2
Node 2 Node 1 0.2
Node 2 Node 3 0.33
Node 3 Node 2 0.33

To convert the .csv to a .bin file EMOD can understand, we also require the demographics file:

demo_fname = "inputs_path/my_demographics_file.json"
with open(demo_fname) as fin:
    demo = json.loads(fin.read())
id_reference = demo['Metadata']['IdReference']


To connect that migration file a simulation, we need to change some configuration parameters.

        # Migration
        'Migration_Model': 'FIXED_RATE_MIGRATION', # turn on human migration
        'Migration_Pattern': 'SINGLE_ROUND_TRIPS', # human trips are round trips (see documentation for other options)

        'Enable_Local_Migration': 1,               # turn on Local human migration
        'Local_Migration_Roundtrip_Duration': 5,   # Local trips last 5 days
        'Local_Migration_Roundtrip_Probability': 1,# traveler returns home in 100% of Local trips 
        'x_Local_Migration': 0.02,                 # Scale factor used to fix the average # of trips per person, per year.
        'Local_Migration_Filename': 'local_migration.bin' # path to migration file

Setting up Regional, Sea, and Air migration is analogous, using Regional, Sea, and Air parameters and creating a corresponding .bin file.

Vector Migration: Local example

The setup for vector movement between nodes is very similar to that for humans, but with different parameters. The table below is an example of a .csv file that can be used to generate a “vector_migration_local.bin” specifying equivalent vector migration between 2 adjacent nodes.

Node 1 Node 2 1.0
Node 2 Node 1 1.0

With the following updates to configuration parameters:

        'Enable_Vector_Migration': 1,
        'Enable_Vector_Migration_Local': 1,        
        'x_Vector_Migration_Local': 0.01,  # scale factor to fix average # of trips per vector, per day
        'Vector_Migration_Filename_Local': 'Vector_Local_Migration.bin',
        ### Modifying Equation parameters
        #   These must be specified, even if not used. 
        #   The default (no modification) parameters are below
        'Vector_Migration_Modifier_Equation': 'LINEAR',
        'Vector_Migration_Food_Modifier': 0, 
        'Vector_Migration_Habitat_Modifier': 0,
        'Vector_Migration_Stay_Put_Modifier': 0

The Modifier parameters allow the user to force vectors to fly preferentially toward blood meals, toward brreding sites, or stay in their current location.

Forced Migration


You may want to incorporate migration that is different from the normal migration patterns described above: for example, to specify a certain demographic group to move at a certain time of year.

Forcing a Single Migration Event

Make sure the configuration parameters are set to allow migration:

        # Migration
        'Migration_Model': 'FIXED_RATE_MIGRATION',   
        'Migration_Pattern': 'SINGLE_ROUND_TRIPS'

To add the migration events to the simulated campaign use add_migration_event().

from dtk.interventions.migrate_to import add_migration_event

# How long after the "start" date should people wait to begin the trip? 
# Here: Trips are staggered evenly over 7 days.
duration_before_leaving = {"Duration_Before_Leaving_Distribution": "UNIFORM_DISTRIBUTION",
                           "Duration_Before_Leaving_Min": 1,
                           "Duration_Before_Leaving_Max": 7}

# How long should the trip last? 
# Here: Each trip lasts exactly 30 days.
duration_at_node = {"Duration_At_Node_Distribution": "CONSTANT_DISTRIBUTION",
                    "Duration_At_Node_Constant": 30}

                    start_day=100,    # simulation day on which to start this migration
                    nodesfrom=[2],    # list of node IDs for origin(s)
                    nodeto=1,         # destination node
                    coverage=0.6,     # probability a targeted individual will migrate
                    duration_before_leaving=duration_before_leaving   # time to remain home before trip,
                    duration_at_node=duration_at_node,                # time to spend at destination node,
                    repetitions=1     # For a single event, set repetitions=1

More detail on specifying distributions for waiting/away times can be found in the EMOD documentation - here.

Simulating Periodic Migration

For routine or seasonal migration events that repeat during a simulation, specify the number of repetitions and time-interval within add_migration_event():

                    tsteps_btwn=365 # annual event

Simulating Permanent Moves

EMOD also has a few other parameters built-in to the migrate_individuals campaign class:

  • DontAllowDuplicates (default is False)
    • TRUE = While waiting to leave or during a trip, another migration event can’t be initialized for a given individual.
  • IsMoving (default is False)
    • TRUE = a migration event changes individuals “home node” that they are considered a resident of (for other node-based interventions) nodefrom –> nodeto, even if they are on a short round-trip.

Note: the IsMoving parameter doesn’t have anything to do with trip duration or a permanent relocation. These migration events are all round-trips. If you want to simulate a permanent move:

  • set duration_at_node in add_migration_event() to a length of time that extends past the end of your simulation.
  • Make sure DontAllowDuplicates in MigrateIndividuals() is FALSE if you want them to be eligible for future migration events after they change residence.
  • Set IsMoving in MigrateIndividuals() to True.

Monitoring migration


Tracking and counting human migrations

The ReportHumanMigrationTracking custom report is available to report all human migration events, including time of migration, individual ID, origin node ID, destination node ID, individual’s home node ID, age, infection status, and the type of migration. This report is very useful for counting the number of migration events to ensure the desired flux of movement is correctly specified.

from dtk.utils.reports.CustomReport import add_human_migration_tracking_report


Tracking vector migrations

The ReportVectorMigration custom report is available to report on vector migration. Note that while EMOD can model vector migration using either individual vectors or the vector cohort model, the ReportVectorMigration only outputs interpretable values when using the individual vector model. Modeling migration with cohort or individual vectors is equivalent, so we sometimes debug and verify migration using the individual model (TRACK_ALL_VECTORS), then go back to using the (faster) cohort model (VECTOR_COMPARTMENTS_NUMBER).

from dtk.utils.reports.VectorReport import add_vector_migration_report

cb.update_params({'Vector_Sampling_Type': 'TRACK_ALL_VECTORS',   # tell EMOD to use individual vectors


Create climate files


Once we have generated a demographics file describing the nodes for a simulation, we can construct climate files by accessing IDM’s climate database on COMPS.

from dtk.tools.climate.ClimateGenerator import ClimateGenerator
rom simtools.SetupParser import SetupParser

def generate_climate(demo_fname, input_file_name) :

    if not SetupParser.initialized:

    cg = ClimateGenerator(demographics_file_path=demo_fname, work_order_path='./wo.json',
                          climate_files_output_path=os.path.join(inputs_path, input_file_name),
                          climate_project='IDM-<COUNTRY>', # Modify COUNTRY
                          start_year='<YEAR>', num_years='1') # Modify YEAR
# Point to existing demographics file    
inputs_path = os.path.join(<PROJECTPATH>, 'simulation_inputs') # Modify PROJECTPATH
input_file_name = 'FILENAME' # Modify FILENAME
demo_fname = os.path.join(inputs_path, 'demographics', '%s_demographics.json' % input_file_name)

# Generate climate files from selected project
generate_climate(demo_fname, input_file_name)

# Rename climate files and metadata
for tag in ['air_temperature', 'rainfall', 'relative_humidity'] :
            os.replace(os.path.join(inputs_path, input_file_name,'COUNTRY_30arcsec_%s_daily.bin' % tag),
                       os.path.join(inputs_path, 'climate', '%s_%s_daily.bin' % (input_file_name, tag)))
            os.replace(os.path.join(inputs_path, input_file_name, 'COUNTRY_30arcsec_%s_daily.bin.json' % tag),
                       os.path.join(inputs_path, 'climate', '%s_%s_daily.bin.json' % (input_file_name, tag)))

After completing these steps, there should be climate files for air_temperature, rainfall, and relative_humidity in your inputs folder. To reference these when running a simulation, update the configuration parameters:

cb.update_params({"Air_Temperature_Filename": os.path.join('climate', '%s_air_temperature_daily.bin' % input_file_name),
                  "Land_Temperature_Filename": os.path.join('climate', '%s_air_temperature_daily.bin' % input_file_name),
                  "Rainfall_Filename": os.path.join('climate', '%s_rainfall_daily.bin' % input_file_name),
                  "Relative_Humidity_Filename": os.path.join('climate', '%s_relative_humidity_daily.bin' % input_file_name)

Individual Properties (IPs)

Individual properties can be used to set specific details for individuals such as risk (i.e. high vs low access groups), cohorts, drug response groups, etc. These properties can help a simulation better reflect the reality of different sites and individuals within them and are completely customizable.

1. Adding to a demographics file

Individual properties, possible property values, and initial distributions of property values must be specified in the demographics file.

The generate_demographics_properties() function in malaria-toolbox adds individual and node properties to a reference demographics file.

In this example we specify our IndividualProperties with a list of dictionaries, called IPs. We specifically create a Study Cohort where 50% of individuals are assigned to ‘Placebo’ and the other 50% are assigned to ‘Treatment’ without any transitions between the groups. We also create a set of drug response groups to mimic inter-individual variation of pharmacodynamics/the body’s response to antimalarial drugs (drug parameters must be specified separately). This example uses 100 groups, set by for i in range(100) with equal distribution amongst individuals in the simulation and no transitions. Once the desired properties are coded they can be added to the reference demographics with generate_demographics_properties()`. In this case, a new .json that contains the IndividualProperties is generated based on the reference file.

Building on the creation of a new demographics file as shown here:

from input_file_generation.add_properties_to_demographics import generate_demographics_properties

IPs = [
        {'Property': 'StudyCohort',
         'Values': ["Placebo", "Treatment"],
         'Initial_Distribution': [0.5, 0.5],
         'Transitions': []},
        {'Property': 'DrugResponseGroup',
         'Values': [f'Group{i}' for i in range(100)],
         'Initial_Distribution': [0.01] * 100,
         'Transitions': []},

demo_fname = os.path.join(<INPUTPATH>,"FILENAME_demographics.json") #from previous
demo_fname_IIV = os.path.join(<INPUTPATH>,"FILENAME_demographicsIP.json")
generate_demographics(df, demo_fname) #from previous


To enable user-defined IPs:

from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder

cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')
cb.update_params({'Disable_IP_Whitelist' : 1})

2. Using IPs in Interventions

Most interventions can be targeted to individuals holding specific IP values, typically with the ind_property_restrictions function argument and setting the desired IndividualProperty restrictions. This example creates an SMC drug campaign that is limited to individuals in the ‘Treatment’ group as defined in the demographics file.

from malaria.interventions.malaria_drug_campaigns import add_drug_campaign

                  ind_property_restrictions=[{'StudyCohort': "Treatment"}],
                  target_group={'agemin': 0.25, 'agemax': 5},

3. Using IPs in Reporting

Individual properties can also be used in reporting to limit the report to only those individuals in the specified group, to track the number of individuals with an IP or combination of IPs, or to report the IPs of individuals.

For the summary report, aggregation can be restricted by IP using the ipfilter argument. For example, the following function will report, on aggregate, every 30 days on new infections and other infection updates in the Placebo group across the three age bins.

from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder
from malaria.reports.MalariaReport import add_summary_report

cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')

add_summary_report(cb, start=365, interval=30,
                   age_bins=[0.25,5,100], ipfilter='StudyCohort:Placebo',

The PropertyReport outputs select channels (population, infected, new infections, and disease deaths) for all combinations of IPs and IP values. This output can get very large if there are many IPs and/or IP values in play.

To request the PropertyReport:

from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder

cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')
cb.update_params({'Enable_Property_Output' : 1})

The NodeDemographicsReport, added using add_node_demographics_report(), reports on node-level counts of individuals by age bin, infection status, and IP if requested:

from dtk.utils.reports.CustomReport import add_node_demographics_report

cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')
add_node_demographics_report(cb, IP_key_to_collect='StudyCohort')

To add an IP column to ReportEventRecorder that reports the IP value for each individual experiencing the requested events:

  'Report_Event_Recorder': 1,  # Enable generation of ReportEventRecorder.csv
  'Report_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List': 0, # Logical indicating whether to include or exclude the events specified in the list
  'Report_Event_Recorder_Events': ['NewClinicalCase', 'Received_Treatment'], # List of events to include
  'Report_Event_Recorder_Individual_Properties': ['StudyCohort', 'DrugResponseGroup'],

Create a model


EMOD configuration scripts begin by creating a configbuilder object (the cb), then adding and changing it. The cb is created by loading default parameters:

from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder
from simtools.ModBuilder import ModBuilder, ModFn

cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')

One can also specify different simulation types such as VECTOR_SIM to simulate just the vector model without the malaria within-host model, or other simulation types listed here.

Set up mosquito species


EMOD allows us to specify the distribution of mosquito species in the simulation, and to specify life cycle, larval habitat, and transmission parameters for each species.

Single Vector Species

The example below would populate the model with 100% gambiae mosquitoes.

from dtk.vector.species import set_species
set_species(cb, ['gambiae'])

The following default parameters appear in the config file for A. gambiae. Some of the default parameters vary between different vector species:

    "Vector_Species_Params": [{

    "Name": "gambiae",
    "Larval_Habitat_Types": {
        "TEMPORARY_RAINFALL": 8e8,
        "CONSTANT": 8e7
    "Aquatic_Arrhenius_1": 84200000000,
    "Aquatic_Arrhenius_2": 8328,
    "Aquatic_Mortality_Rate": 0.1,
    "Immature_Duration": 2,
    "Male_Life_Expectancy": 10,
    "Adult_Life_Expectancy": 20,
    "Days_Between_Feeds": 3,
    "Anthropophily": 0.85,  # species- and site-specific feeding parameters
    "Indoor_Feeding_Fraction": 0.95,
    "Egg_Batch_Size": 100,
    "Vector_Sugar_Feeding_Frequency": "VECTOR_SUGAR_FEEDING_NONE",
    "Acquire_Modifier": 0.2,
    # VECTOR_SIM uses a factor here for human-to-mosquito infectiousness, while 
    # MALARIA_SIM explicitly models gametocytes
    "Infected_Arrhenius_1": 117000000000,
    "Infected_Arrhenius_2": 8336,
    "Infected_Egg_Batch_Factor": 0.8,
    "Infectious_Human_Feed_Mortality_Factor": 1.5,
    "Nighttime_Feeding_Fraction": 1,
    "Transmission_Rate": 0.9  # Based on late-2013 calibration of PfPR vs EIR favoring 1.0 to 0.5

Multiple Vector Species

We can also include a mix of vector species, adding multiple vector populations with species-specific parameters.

from dtk.vector.species import set_species
set_species(cb, ['gambiae','arabiensis'])

For each species listed in Vector_Species_Params, a “VectorPopulation” object will be added to the simulation at each node. Each species will be defined by parameters in the simulation configuration file for the vector ecology and behavior of the species. This allows for a mechanistic description of vector abundances and behavior through the effects of climate and weather on different preferred larval habitats.

    "Vector_Species_Params": [{

    "Name": "gambiae",              #First Species
    "Larval_Habitat_Types": {
        "TEMPORARY_RAINFALL": 8e8,
        "CONSTANT": 8e7
    "Aquatic_Arrhenius_1": 84200000000,
    "Aquatic_Arrhenius_2": 8328,
    "Aquatic_Mortality_Rate": 0.1,
    "Immature_Duration": 2,
    "Male_Life_Expectancy": 10,
    "Adult_Life_Expectancy": 20,
    "Days_Between_Feeds": 3,
    "Anthropophily": 0.85,  
    "Indoor_Feeding_Fraction": 0.95, 
    "Egg_Batch_Size": 100,
    "Vector_Sugar_Feeding_Frequency": "VECTOR_SUGAR_FEEDING_NONE",
    "Acquire_Modifier": 0.2,
    "Infected_Arrhenius_1": 117000000000,
    "Infected_Arrhenius_2": 8336,
    "Infected_Egg_Batch_Factor": 0.8,
    "Infectious_Human_Feed_Mortality_Factor": 1.5,
    "Nighttime_Feeding_Fraction": 1,
    "Transmission_Rate": 0.9

    "Name": "arabiensis",          # Second species 
    "Larval_Habitat_Types": {
        "TEMPORARY_RAINFALL": 8e8,
        "CONSTANT": 8e7
    "Aquatic_Arrhenius_1": 84200000000,
    "Aquatic_Arrhenius_2": 8328,
    "Aquatic_Mortality_Rate": 0.1,
    "Immature_Duration": 2,
    "Male_Life_Expectancy": 10,
    "Adult_Life_Expectancy": 20,
    "Days_Between_Feeds": 3,
    "Anthropophily": 0.85,  
    "Indoor_Feeding_Fraction": 0.5, # This value is different
    "Egg_Batch_Size": 100,
    "Vector_Sugar_Feeding_Frequency": "VECTOR_SUGAR_FEEDING_NONE",
    "Acquire_Modifier": 0.2,
    "Infected_Arrhenius_1": 117000000000,
    "Infected_Arrhenius_2": 8336,
    "Infected_Egg_Batch_Factor": 0.8,
    "Infectious_Human_Feed_Mortality_Factor": 1.5,
    "Nighttime_Feeding_Fraction": 1,
    "Transmission_Rate": 0.9  

Modify vector species parameters

To change vector species parameters from defaults, use the update_species_param() function.

from dtk.vector.species import update_species_param

# Example: Decrease the 'Transmission_Rate' of A. arabiensis from 0.9 (default) to 0.75.
                     overwrite=False # If True, replaces any previous stored values

Modify species habitat parameters

The larval habitat parameters for each vector species can also be modified.

from dtk.vector.species import update_species_param

# Example: Add brackish swamp habitat availability for A. arabiensis only. 

new_habitats = {"arabiensis": {"BRACKISH_SWAMP": 1.7e9, "Max_Larval_Capacity": 30000000.0}}

for species, habitat in new_habitats.items():
    update_species_param(cb, species,
                         value= habitat, 
                         overwrite=False # Does not delete previous habitat types

Change mosquito abundance

After adding vectors to your model, you may want to alter their abundance in order to reach a desired entomological innoculation rate (EIR), malaria prevalence, or malaria incidence. In EMOD this is often done by re-scaling the amount of habitat available for larval development: Available habitat is directly related to mosquito abundance, and mosquito abundance in turn is directly related to biting rate.

There are several options for configuring habitat. You can first set habitat parameters and modify them directly as detailed in the section Set up mosquito species.

After those initial parameters are set, habitat can be modified with scaling parameters.

Universal Habitat Scaling


To apply a constant scale factor to all habitats equally for all species, use the x_Temporary_Larval_Habitat configuration parameter.

This parameter will scale all habitat parameters for the entire simulation duration without changing the temporal dynamics, so that a new transmission is achieved with the same ratios among the species and same time profile. For example, setting x_Temporary_Larval_Habitat to 0.1 would reduce habitat by 90%.

# Ex: Reduce habitat (and thus, adult vectors and biting rate) by 90%.
cb.update_params({'x_Temporary_Larval_Habitat': 0.1})    

Node-Specific Habitat Scaling in Demographics


Node- and species-specific habitat scaling can be set in the demographics file through the NodeAttributes parameter LarvalHabitatMultiplier. Multipliers can be set by species as in the example below, or 'ALL_SPECIES' to target the specified habitat for all species.

"NodeAttributes: {
    "LarvalHabitatMultiplier": [
            "Habitat": "TEMPORARY_RAINFALL",
            "Species": "gambiae",
            "Factor": 0.1
            "Habitat": "BRACKISH_SWAMP",
            "Species": "arabiensis",
            "Factor": 0.5

Dynamic Habitat Scaling during Simulation


The ScaleLarvalHabitat intervention allows the user to scale habitats by type and species at a specified time during the simulation. The dtk-tools function scale_larval_habitats() takes a dataframe argument to construct the campaign events for habitat scaling:

from dtk.interventions.habitat_scale import scale_larval_habitats

scale_larval_habitats(cb, df=habitat_df, start_day=0)

The habitat_df argument requires column name(s) for each habitat type being scaled, with column values being the scale factor(s). Many configuration options are available, including by species, by node, and by date. See documentation in scale_larval_habitats().

Update config parameters


You may need to update a variety of configuration parameters for your simulations. These parameters can be explored more in depth in the EMOD config documentation. Broadly, configuration parameters can be used to set up certain things in these categories: drugs and treatments, enable/disable features, general disease, geography and the environment, immunity, incubation, infectivity and transmission, input files, larval habitat, migration, mortality and survival, output settings, parasite dynamics, population dynamics, sampling, scalars and multipliers, simulation setup, symptoms and diagnosis, vector control, and vector life cycle. Generally, we create a setup_simulation() function that contains the configuration update function for the config_builder (cb). For parameters that won’t often change you can hard code them directly into this function, while it may be beneficial to call others as a variable, such as sim_years, that can be set when the function itself is called later. This can be done inline in the code or within the model builder.

In this example, we show how to change the demographics (Demographics_Filenames) and simulation duration (Simulation_Duration) parameters. Simulation duration is set in days, and in this example is set to last 7 years (7 yrs * 365 days/yr).

from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder
cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')
cb.update_params({'Demographics_Filenames': ['my_demographics.json'],
                  'Simulation_Duration': 7*365,
Enable Births and Deaths

Vital dynamics can be specified in the same way as general config parameters. To enable either births or deaths, Enable_Vital_Dynamics must be set to 1. Births and deaths can then be modified as needed (“enable” parameters set to 0 = false, 1 = true). Birth rates can be specified by Birth_Rate_Dependence to be dependent on a number of factors:

  • “NONE”

Likewise, Death_Rate_Dependence determines individuals likelihood of dying from natural, non-disease causes when Enable_Natural_Mortality=1, and can be set to


Detailed descriptions of dependencies can be found here.

In this example, we have a fixed birth rate (number of infants born each year is independent of modeled population), age- and gender-specific overall mortality rates (defined in demographics file), and no malaria mortality.

from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder
cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')
cb.update_params({'Enable_Vital_Dynamics': 1,
                  'Enable_Birth': 1,
                  'Birth_Rate_Dependence' : 'FIXED_BIRTH_RATE'
                  'Enable_Natural_Mortality': 1,
                  'Death_Rate_Dependence': 'NONDISEASE_MORTALITY_BY_AGE_AND_GENDER',
                  'Enable_Disease_Mortality': 0,

Configure Log-Levels

Log-levels dictate which logging messages will be included in the standard output for simulations. It can be set for all files in the Eradication executable using logLevel_default or for specific files where more information is desired with logLevel_<file_name>. There are five logging levels:

1. ERROR: only errors logged
2. WARNING: warning and errors logged
3. INFO: default; informational messages, warnings, and errors logged
4. DEBUG: debug information, informational messages, warnings, and errors logged. May require a special version of the executable (--TestSugar enabled)
5. VALID: validation information, debug information, informational messages, warnings, and errors logged. Requires special build.

Lower levels (DEBUG and VALID) should be used sparingly but can be useful to understand if certain things, such as immunity variation, are working as expected.

In this example, we set the default reporting level of all modules to WARNING, then set the logLevel_SusceptibilityMalaria module to DEBUG.

cb.update_params({'logLevel_default' : 'WARNING',
                  'logLevel_SusceptibilityMalaria': 'DEBUG' #file-specific example

Add summary reports


The MalariaSummaryReport is a useful output that reports infection data (prevalence, clinical incidence, parasitemia, infectivity) by age group and aggregated over a user-defined time interval such as years or months. Specific events of interest can be set with event_trigger_list= - defaults include ‘EveryUpdate’ and ‘NewInfectionEvent’.

In this example, simulation data is reported starting at day 365, with a monthly aggregation, in 3 age bins.

from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder
from malaria.reports.MalariaReport import add_summary_report

cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')

add_summary_report(cb, start=365, interval=30,

Event reporting


EMOD is capable of tracking a variety of built-in events as well as custom campaign events. Custom events can be particularly useful for explicitly tracking and counting the number of interventions distributed. For example, in the simple SMC intervention (see Add drug campaigns) we defined an event called 'Received_SMC' to describe children who actually received SMC drugs in the simulation. The add_health_seeking function automatically generates a 'Received_Treatment' event for each individual receiving treatment for symptomatic malaria. Adding custom events to the config parameter 'Custom_Individual_Events' is automatically handled by dtk-tools.

Aggregate Events

To track how many events are occurring each day, request ReportEventCounter and specify the list of events you would like to track:

from malaria.reports.MalariaReport import add_event_counter_report

add_event_counter_report(cb, event_trigger_list=['Received_SMC', 'Received_Treatment'])

This generates a ReportEventCounter.json file that reports that total number of events in each day of the simulation. Reporting a subset of node IDs, restricting on age, and restricing on individual property are all configurable. The format of the .json is identical to InsetChart.json, so analyzers written for InsetChart.json can be easily adapted for ReportEventCounter.

Individual Events

Sometimes you may want to track individual-level events. To do so, we use ReportEventRecorder, which is similar to ReportEventCounter but lists each event as it occurs and provides information about the person experiencing the event.

  1. Update configuration parameters
  'Report_Event_Recorder': 1,  # Enable generation of ReportEventRecorder.csv  
  'Report_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List': 0, # Logical indicating whether to include or exclude the events specified in the list 
  'Report_Event_Recorder_Events': ['NewClinicalCase', 'Received_Treatment'], # List of events to include
  'Report_Event_Recorder_Individual_Properties' : []

Note: If you want to return all events from the simulation, leave the “Events” array empty and set “Ignore_Events_In_List” to 1.

There are additional optional parameters that you can specify to refine your report: see full list here. This can help reduce file sizes and speed up processing if you know you’ll only a subset of the simulation data.

After running, a file called ReportEventRecorder.csv will be generated in the output/ folder for the simulation. Each row of the report represents a distinct event, with the following information in its columns:

Event Details:

  • Time (when did event occur)
  • Node_ID (where did event occur)
  • Event_Name (what happened)

Individual Details (who did it happen to?):

  • Individual_ID
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Infected (1 = True)
  • Infectiousness
  • RelativeBitingRate
  • TrueParasiteDensity
  • TrueGametocyteDensity

Plus an additional column for the value of each additional Individual Property included in the ‘Report_Event_Recorder_Individual_Properties’ list.

Add malaria


There are 4 ways to add malaria into a simulation. Ways #1, 2, and 3 are used for idealized situations while #4 is the standard method to use when modeling a specific geography.

1. Challenge bite

Give everyone in the simulation an infectious bite on a specified date. Definition here.

from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder
from malaria.interventions.malaria_challenge import add_challenge_trial

cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')

add_challenge_trial(cb, start_day=0)

2. Outbreaks

Force a given % of the simulated population to experience a new infection on a specified date or dates. Definition here.

This example infects 5% of the population every year for 5 years, beginning on day 0:

from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder
from dtk.interventions.outbreak_individual import recurring_outbreak

cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')


3. Forced EIR

See next section on forced EIR.

4. Setting initial prevalence

Initial prevalence is set in the demographics file, in the ['Defaults']['IndividualAttributes'] block. See documentation on the demographics file for more information.

In this example, initial prevalence is drawn from a uniform distribution between 0.13 and 0.15:

    "Defaults": {
        "IndividualAttributes": {
            "PrevalenceDistribution1": 0.13,
            "PrevalenceDistribution2": 0.15,
            "PrevalenceDistributionFlag": 1,

Set forced EIR


For simulations without mosquitoes, a forced EIR can be used to impose infectious bites. EIR timeseries data are typically recreated from previous literature sources that provide monthly EIR levels, input here as a monthly_site_EIR list. This can then be converted to a daily EIR using the monthly_to_daily_EIR helper function and summed to calculate the annual EIR for the site. The add_InputEIR function is called and given the calculated daily EIR to apply to the simulations. It can be scaled using a scaling_factor to apply the same scale factor to all EIR timepoints.

from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder
from dtk.interventions.input_EIR import add_InputEIR, monthly_to_daily_EIR

cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')

monthly_site_EIR = [15.99, 5.41, 2.23, 10.33, 7.44, 11.77, 79.40, 85.80, 118.59, 82.97, 46.62, 33.49]
daily_EIR = monthly_to_daily_EIR(monthly_site_EIR)
EIRscale_factor = 1

add_InputEIR(cb, start_day=0, EIR_type='DAILY', dailyEIRs=daily_EIR, scaling_factor=EIRscale_factor)



Basic ITN without seasonal usage

Insecticide-treated bednets can be distributed with the add_ITN() function, which has many options to configure who is targeted for ITN distribution.

from dtk.interventions.itn import add_ITN

        start=365, # starts on first day of second year
          {"coverage":1,"min": 0, "max": 10},     # 100% for 0-10 years old
          {"coverage":0.75,"min": 10, "max": 50}, # 75% for 10-50 years old
          {"coverage":0.6,"min": 50, "max": 125}  # 60% for everyone else
        repetitions=5, # ITN will be distributed 5 times
        tsteps_btwn_repetitions= 365*3 # three years between ITN distributions

The default coverage_by_age sets coverage to 100% for everyone regardless of age.

ITNs can be delivered at birth by specifying in the coverage_by_ages list:

from dtk.interventions.itn import add_ITN

        start=365, # starts on first day of second year
          { "birth":"birth",  # distribute at birth
            "coverage":0.5,   # 50% of newborns receive an ITN
            "duration":34}    # birth-triggered ITN program lasts for 34 days

The waning arguments configure the strength and duration of the ITN’s effects. dtk-tools will provide default killing, blocking, and usage decay profiles if none are specified by the user:

  1. Killing_Config: how well the ITN kills the vector
  2. Blocking_Config: how well the ITN blocks the vector from biting
  3. Repelling_Config: how well the ITN repels the vector
  4. Usage_Config: how long before the user discards their net

The decay profile of any of these configs are specified using WaningEffect classes. For example, to change the killing of the ITN to last 10 years at 0.6:

from dtk.interventions.itn import add_ITN

        start=365, # starts on first day of second year
          {"coverage":1,"min": 0, "max": 10},     # 100% for 0-10 years old
          {"coverage":0.75,"min": 10, "max": 50}, # 75% for 10-50 years old
          {"coverage":0.6,"min": 50, "max": 125}  # 60% for everyone else
        waning={"Killing_Config" : {
            "Box_Duration": 3650,
            "Initial_Effect": 0.6,
            "class": "WaningEffectBox"
        repetitions=5, # ITN will be distributed 5 times
        tsteps_btwn_repetitions: int = 365*3 # three years between ITN distributions

ITNs with seasonal and leaky usage

People’s usage of ITN can change depending on the season, e.g., using the net more during the rainy season to reduce nuisance bites, or they may own a net but not use it every day. add_ITN_age_season() allows us to make fine scale usage specifications for ITNs.

While add_itn_age_season() is similar to add_ITN(), there are several differences. Instead of specifying bednet killing, blocking and efficiency and usage all in waning, you specify them in separately in killing_config, blocking_config, repelling_config and discard_times. Additionally, you specify age- and season-dependent usage with age_dependence and seasonal_dependence.

For example:

from dtk.interventions.itn_age_season import add_ITN_age_season
seasonal_time = [0.0, 20.0, 21.0, 30.0, 31.0, 365.0]
seasonal_values = [1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0]
                       "Initial_Effect": 0.6,
                       "Decay_Time_Constant": 1460,
                       "class": "WaningEffectExponential"},
                       "Initial_Effect": 0.9,
                       "Decay_Time_Constant": 730,
                       "class": "WaningEffectExponential"},
                       "Expiration_Period_Distribution": "DUAL_EXPONENTIAL_DISTRIBUTION",
                       "Expiration_Period_Proportion_1": 0.9,
                       "Expiration_Period_Mean_1": 365*1.5,
                       "Expiration_Period_Mean_2": 3650},
                   age_dependence={'Times': [0, 5, 18],
                                  'Values': [1, 0.7, 0.2]},
                   seasonal_dependence={"Times": seasonal_times, "Values": seasonal_values}

In this example, the baseline coverage of ITN is 0.9 specified by demographic_coverage. This means that 90% of the population will receive an ITN for use. Usage by age starts highest at 0 years old with a scale of 1 (Note actual usage is 1 * 0.9 = 0.9) and linearly declines to 0.7 at age of 5 years, and then continues to decline to 0.2 at age of 18 and remains at 0.2 for those over 18.

For season-dependent usage, in this example, usage is 1 throughout the year except between day 21 and day 30 when usage is 0.5. Each individual who owns a net uses it with probability of their age-dependent usage value and the season-dependent usage value.

The add_itn_age_season() function does not support repetitions. Therefore, to add multiple rounds of ITN distribution in your simulation, you need to call add_ITN_age_season() multiple times. Another difference is this function will automatically add three events into the simulation: Bednet_Discarded, Bednet_Got_New_One and Bednet_Using.



IRS campaigns can be added using the add_IRS() function. Adding IRS works very similarly to the simple add_ITN() function.

You can either use the default settings or specify the killing_config for the killing efficiency and waning properties of the insecticide. The function allows you to specify coverage according to age groups, here is an example:

from dtk.interventions.irs import add_IRS
        start=366, # IRS occurs on first day of second year
          {"coverage":1,"min": 0, "max": 10},     # 100% for 0-10 years old
          {"coverage":0.75,"min": 11, "max": 50}, # 75% for 11-50 years old
          {"coverage":0.6,"min": 51, "max": 125}  # 60% for everyone else
            "class": "WaningEffectBoxExponential",
            "Box_Duration": 60,
            "Decay_Time_Constant": 120,
            "Initial_Effect": 0.6

Note in this case, the effect of IRS follows a boxed exponential decay with efficacy of first 60 days held constant, before exponential decay kicks in.

Add larvicides


Functions for adding attractive targeted sugar baits, topical repellents, outdoor residual spray, eave tubes, and larvicides are found here.

To add larvicides:

from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder
from dtk.interventions.novel_vector_control import add_larvicides

cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')

add_larvicides(cb, start_day=0, 
               habitat_target='CONSTANT',   # habitat type to target
               killing_initial=0.6,         # initial killing efficacy of the insecticide
               killing_decay=150            # decay time constant, in days, for exponential decay of larvicide efficacy

Add insecticide resistance


Modeling insecticide resistance involves 3 steps:

  1. Set up vector genetics
  2. Relate genotypes to phenotype: define insecticide response of resistance genotypes
  3. Add intervention that distributes insecticide (vector control)

Set up vector genetics

from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder
from dtk.vector.species import set_species_param, set_species

cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')

set_species(cb, ['gambiae'])
set_species_param(cb, 'gambiae', 'Genes', [
        "Alleles": {
            "a0": 0.8,
            "a1": 0.19999999999999996,
            "a2": 0.0
        "Mutations": {
            "a0:a1": 0,
            "a0:a2": 0,
            "a1:a0": 0,
            "a1:a2": 0,
            "a2:a0": 0,
            "a2:a1": 0

Reporting on vector genetics (abundance of alleles and/or genotypes) is requested like so:

from dtk.utils.reports import BaseVectorGeneticsReport


Relate genotype to phenotype

The Insecticides config param is a list of dictionaries, one per insecticide. For each insecticide, genotype-specific modifications of killing, blocking, repelling, and larval killing can be set.

    "Insecticides": [
            "Name": "pyrethroid",
            "Resistances": [
                    "Allele_Combinations": [
                    "Blocking_Modifier": 1.0,
                    "Killing_Modifier": 0.05,
                    "Larval_Killing_Modifier": 0,
                    "Repelling_Modifier": 0,
                    "Species": "gambiae"
            "Name": "carbamate",
            "Resistances": [
                    "Allele_Combinations": [
                        [   # for this specification, any allele in combination with a2 will have these modifiers
                    "Blocking_Modifier": 1.0,
                    "Killing_Modifier": 0.25,
                    "Larval_Killing_Modifier": 0,
                    "Repelling_Modifier": 0,
                    "Species": "gambiae"
            "Name": "pyrethroid-PBO",
            "Resistances": [
                    "Allele_Combinations": [
                    "Blocking_Modifier": 1.0,
                    "Killing_Modifier": 0.5,
                    "Larval_Killing_Modifier": 0,
                    "Repelling_Modifier": 0,
                    "Species": "gambiae"

Add vector control with specific insecticide

Specify the insecticide when adding vector control:

from dtk.interventions.itn import add_ITN

add_ITN(cb, start=0, coverage_by_ages=[{'min': 0, 'max': 100, 'coverage': 0.6}],
add_ITN(cb, start=100, coverage_by_ages=[{'min': 0, 'max': 100, 'coverage': 0.6}],
add_ITN(cb, start=200, coverage_by_ages=[{'min': 0, 'max': 100, 'coverage': 0.6}],

Add case management


Case management is controlled in EMOD by an add_health_seeking() function within dtk-tools-malaria. This function is a node level intervention that allows you to target individuals on the node for malaria treatment through health seeking behavior.

In this example, treatment is triggered by a new clinical case and codes for differences in case management coverage between individuals of age 0-5 yrs and 5-100yrs as set by the two trigger dictionaries’ respective ‘agemin’ and ‘agemax’. ‘Seek’ dictates the proportion of people who will seek care with a new clinical case - it is usually set to 1 such that ‘coverage’ is the true case management coverage level. ‘Rate’ represents how quickly the case will receive treatment. It is used to create an exponential distribution of the delay period. We usually set rate = 1/3. for clinical cases and rate = 1/2. for severe cases.

You can also specify which drugs are used for case management. The default is Artemether-Lumefantrine with age-based dosing.

Additional parameters can be added to restrict case management to certain nodes, node properties, or individual properties. See here for more information.

from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder
from malaria.interventions.health_seeking import add_health_seeking

cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')

add_health_seeking(cb, start_day=0,
                   targets=[{'trigger': 'NewClinicalCase', 
                              'coverage': 0.7, 
                              'agemin': 0, 
                              'agemax': 5,
                              'seek': 1, 
                              'rate': 0.3},
                            {'trigger': 'NewClinicalCase', 
                               'coverage': 0.5, 
                               'agemin': 5, 
                               'agemax': 100,
                               'seek': 1, 
                               'rate': 0.3},
                            {'trigger': 'NewSevereCase', 
                               'coverage': 0.85, 
                               'agemin': 0, 
                               'agemax': 100,
                               'seek': 1, 
                               'rate': 0.5}],
                   drug=['Artemether', 'Lumefantrine'])

Change drug adherence


Adherence to drugs can be modified using configure_adherent_drug(). This allows you to detail doses (and drugs given), intervals between doses, actual adherence values, and more. More documentation on how to configure adherent drugs is here.

Configuring adherence is not required. In the absence of specific configuration, adherence to the full treatment course is assumed to be 100%.

from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder
from malaria.interventions.adherent_drug import configure_adherent_drug

cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')

def smc_adherent_configuration(cb, adherence):

    smc_adherent_config = configure_adherent_drug(cb,
                                                        "class": "WaningEffectMapCount",
                                                        "Initial_Effect": 1,
                                                        "Durability_Map": {
                                                            "Times": [
                                                            "Values": [
    return smc_adherent_config
adherent_drug_configs = smc_adherent_configuration(cb, adherence=0.7)

Add drug campaigns


Using add_drug_campaign() you can set different drug campaigns including MDA, MSAT, SMC, fMDA, MTAT, rfMSAT, and rfMDA. This function also includes the ability to set coverage levels, repetitions (such as SMC cycles) and the timesteps between them, diagnostics information for campaigns that include testing, target groups, and restrictions on who can receive drugs by node or individual properties. For more details on all possible specifications see malaria_drug_campaigns.py in dtk-tools-malaria. Node and individual properties are set in the demographics file and can be called upon here for things like low vs high access groups.

This example details a simple SMC intervention. Its coverage level, number of cycles, and start day are specified in the model builder as they may change more regularly based on the purpose of different analyses. Timesteps between repetitions (if more than one cycle given) is set to 30 days as SMC is given on a monthly basis during peak season. The target group is also specified here to limit the age group to 0.25-5 year old children. This example uses adherent drug configurations as previously shown.

from malaria.interventions.malaria_drug_campaigns import add_drug_campaign

def smc_intervention(cb, day, cycles, coverage_level):
    add_drug_campaign(cb, campaign_type='SMC',
                          coverage=coverage_level, start_days=[(sim_years - 1) * 365 + day],
                          repetitions=cycles, tsteps_btwn_repetitions=30,
                          target_group={'agemin': 0.25, 'agemax': 5},

Add diagnostic surveys


Diagnostic surveys are useful interventions for triggering events based on an individual’s diagnosis. Testing can be performed at regular intervals (tsteps_between_repetitions) for a set number of repetitions based on target groups and coverage. Testing can also be triggered by other events, such as receiving a particular dose of IPTi in this example.

Different methods of diagnostic testing may also be utilized, including TRUE_PARASITE_DENSITY, BLOOD_SMEAR, PCR, PF_HRP2, TRUE_INFECTION_STATUS, and HAS_FEVER. Diagnostic threshold, sensitivity, and specificity can all be parameterized. Once a positive or negative result is obtained in the simulation, the relative configs parameter dictates what will happen to that individual. In this example, either diagnosis broadcasts an event for that individual that they were positive or negative on the day that they received their first dose of IPTi.

from malaria.interventions.malaria_drug_campaigns import add_drug_campaign, add_diagnostic_survey
def diagnostic_survey(cb, sim_day, thresh=10, dose=1):
    # day 0 positivity
    add_diagnostic_survey(cb, start_day=sim_day,
                          positive_diagnosis_configs=[{'class': 'BroadcastEvent',
                                                       'Broadcast_Event': 'Day_0_positive'}],
                          negative_diagnosis_configs=[{'class': 'BroadcastEvent',
                                                       'Broadcast_Event': 'Day_0_negative'}])

Add vaccine


Malaria vaccines can be added using the add_vaccine() function. The function is generic: it can handle pre-erythrocytic vaccines, transmission-blocking vaccines, and RTS,S specifically. Initial efficacy and decay parameters for RTS,S are set to the EMOD parameterization in Penny et al. 2016.

In this example, a mass campaign is given at 80% coverage on day 365:

from malaria.interventions.malaria_vaccine import add_vaccine


Distributing RTS,S through age-based immunization

The RTS,S vaccine schedule is relatively complex, including a 3-dose primary schedule ending at 9 months of age and one or more boosters.

The example below specifies an RTS,S vaccine campaign starting day 365. From this day on, any newborn baby will be marked as RTSS_3rddose_eligible on 270 days old. The child will be given 3rd dose of RTS,S (first two doses don’t matter due to the assumption of zero efficacy until dose 3) at 80% probability. Any child who receives a dose of vaccine also receives the event Received_Vaccine, which is specified in add_vaccine().

Because only children who receive third dose vaccine would go on to receive a booster, we use individual properties to keep track of who is eligible for a booster. In other parts of the code, we set up an individual property VaccineStatus that can have be None or GotVaccine. We use the change_individual_property function to switch someone with the individual property VaccineStatus of None to GotVaccine, when they Received_Vaccine.

from malaria.interventions.malaria_vaccine import add_vaccine
from dtk.interventions.property_change import change_individual_property


                           ind_property_restrictions=[{'VaccineStatus': 'None'}],

Those who have received their 3rd dose of vaccine are eligible for a booster at the age of 2 years (730 days) old. The ind_property_restrictions argument is used to ensure that only those with VaccineStatus of GotVaccine receive the booster. change_individual_property is then used change VaccineStatus to GotBooster1, which helps bookkeeping and is particularly important in the event that they are to receive additional boosters.

            ind_property_restrictions=[{'VaccineStatus': 'GotVaccine'}],

                           ind_property_restrictions=[{'VaccineStatus': 'GotVaccine'}],

Triggered interventions


Following code is an example of event triggered bednet distribution, that from the first day of second year in simulation onwards, a clinical or severe case would receive a bednet 14 days after diagnosis:

        trigger_condition_list=["NewClinicalCase", "NewSevereCase"],

duration=365 means the event-triggered distribution of bed net will be going on till the following year. Setting duration=-1 will allow the campaign to go on until the end of simulation.

Using the model builder to set up multi-simulation experiments


We often want to run a series of simulations where most parameters are held constant but one or more are varied. To set this up in a dtk-tools script, we use a builder and the ModBuilder function with associated ModFns.

All model parameters can be varied (“swept through”) with the ModBuilder: config, campaign, and even custom report output parameters. A few example uses are shown below.

Set the number of stochastic realizations (replicates) to run

The Run_Number config parameter sets the simulation’s random seed. To run multiple stochastic realizations of the same simulation, vary Run_Number in the builder. In this example, the builder creates 10 identical simulations except for the value of Run_Number, which ranges from 0-9.

from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder
from simtools.ModBuilder import ModBuilder, ModFn

expt_name = 'multi_seed_experiment'
numseeds = 10 

cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')
builder = ModBuilder.from_list([[ModFn(DTKConfigBuilder.set_param, 'Run_Number', x)
                                for x in range(numseeds)

run_sim_args = {
    'exp_name': expt_name,
    'config_builder': cb,
    'exp_builder' : builder

Sweeping through multiple config parameters

In this example, we sweep through 20 values of x_Temporary_Larval_Habitat and 10 Run_Numbers for each habitat value, creating 200 simulations.

import numpy as np
from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder
from simtools.ModBuilder import ModBuilder, ModFn

expt_name = 'multi_habitat_and_seed_experiment'
numseeds = 10 

cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')
builder = ModBuilder.from_list([[ModFn(DTKConfigBuilder.set_param, 'Run_Number', x),
                                 ModFn(DTKConfigBuilder.set_param, 'x_Temporary_Larval_Habitat, hab)
                                for x in range(numseeds)
                                for hab in np.logspace(-2, 2, 20)

run_sim_args = {
    'exp_name': expt_name,
    'config_builder': cb,
    'exp_builder' : builder

Setting up complex sweeps

The following model builder implements specific functions from the NU team’s SMC work. Two wrapper functions, smc_intervention and set_EIR, have been defined since this user doesn’t need to vary over every argument in add_drug_campaign or add_InputEIR. Note that these wrapper functions must return a dictionary for the ModBuilder to function correctly.

import numpy as np
from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder
from simtools.ModBuilder import ModBuilder, ModFn
from malaria.interventions.malaria_drug_campaigns import add_drug_campaign
from dtk.interventions.input_EIR import add_InputEIR, monthly_to_daily_EIR

expt_name = 'SMC_EIR_sweep'
numseeds = 10 

cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')

def smc_intervention(cb, day, cycles, coverage_level) :

    add_drug_campaign(cb, campaign_type='SMC',
                      coverage=coverage_level, start_days=[365 + day],
                      target_group={'agemin': 0.25, 'agemax': 5},

    return { 'SMC_coverage' : coverage_level}

def set_EIR(cb, EIRscale_factor) :

    monthly_site_EIR = [15.99, 5.41, 2.23, 10.33, 7.44, 11.77, 79.40, 85.80, 118.59, 82.97, 46.62, 33.49]
    daily_EIR = monthly_to_daily_EIR(monthly_site_EIR)
    add_InputEIR(cb, start_day=0, EIR_type='DAILY', dailyEIRs=daily_EIR, scaling_factor=EIRscale_factor)

    return { 'EIR_scale_factor' : EIRscale_factor}

builder = ModBuilder.from_list([[ModFn(smc_intervention, day=213, cycles=4, coverage_level=smc_coverage),
                                 ModFn(set_EIR, EIRscale_factor=eir_scale_factor),
                                 ModFn(DTKConfigBuilder.set_param, 'Run_Number', x),
                                for smc_coverage in [0.5, 0.9]
                                for eir_scale_factor in [0.2, 2]
                                for x in range(numseeds)

run_sim_args = {
    'exp_name': expt_name,
    'config_builder': cb,
    'exp_builder' : builder

Setting up the experiment manager


The experiment manager serves as a mechanism to actually run simulations using the model and config builders. The respective builders, “builder” and “cb”, are set up earlier in this list.

from simtools.SetupParser import SetupParser
from simtools.ExperimentManager.ExperimentManagerFactory import ExperimentManagerFactory

Exp_name = 'my_experiment_name'

cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM')

builder = ModBuilder.from_list(...) # builder is optional

run_sim_args = {
    'exp_name': Exp_name,
    'config_builder': cb,
    'exp_builder' : builder         # delete this line if not using a builder

if __name__ == "__main__":
    exp_manager = ExperimentManagerFactory.init()



Some simulations can take a long time to run and the part you are really interested in analyzing isn’t until closer to the end. You’d like to save the state of the simulation just before the interesting stuff and then restart from that spot. This would allow you to iterate more quickly on different intervention strategies or just trying to understand what the simulation is doing better. EMOD supports this ability with a feature called “serialized populations.”

The serialized population feature in EMOD allows you to save the state of the people and restart from that saved state. This state includes the person’s health, infections, any interventions that they have, and more. This is especially useful when you need to create a population that has natural immunity to a pathogen (i.e. the pathogen is not novel and the population is not naive.)

Simple Burn-in

To create a population with an endemic disease, we start with a naive population and run the simulation till disease dynamics reach an equilibrium, usually around 50 years.

For the initial burn-in simulation, you need to tell EMOD that you would like it to save a serialized population and at what timestep(s).

serialize_year = 50    # Number of years to run burn-in

            'Serialization_Time_Steps': [365 * serialize_year],
            'Serialization_Type': 'TIMESTEP',
            'Serialized_Population_Writing_Type': 'TIMESTEP',
            'Serialized_Population_Reading_Type': 'NONE',
            'Serialization_Mask_Node_Write': 0,
            'Serialization_Precision': 'REDUCED'

Then, run this simulation as you would any other. When the simulation has succeeded, the output/ directory should contain a state-*.dtk file, where * is the 5-digit date of serialization. In this example, a state-18250.dtk file would be created.

Picking up from Serialized Burn-in


To pick up from the end of a saved burn-in simulation, and run for some additional time, you need the name of the state*.dtk file from the burn-in and the path to the .dtk file. If you know the path to the .dtk file, you can specify it directly:

burnin_id = <ExperimentID> # replace with burn-in ID

# Number of years from burn-in to include.
serialize_year = 50 # number of years used in first burn-in simulation, NOT number of years to run pick-up

            'Serialized_Population_Reading_Type': 'READ',
            'Serialized_Population_Filenames': ['state-%05d.dtk' % (serialize_year*365)],
            'Serialized_Population_Path': '.../output/',   # where ... is the path to the state-*.dtk file
            'Enable_Random_Generator_From_Serialized_Population': 0,
            'Serialization_Mask_Node_Read': 0,
            'Enable_Default_Reporting' : 0

If you know the experiment ID of your burn-in simulation, you can use that instead through the retrieve_experiment function, updating other serialization parameters as above:

from simtools.Utilities.Experiments import retrieve_experiment
import os

burnin_id = '...' # alphanumeric string

expt = retrieve_experiment(burnin_id) # Identifies the desired burn-in experiment
output_paths = [sim.get_path() for sim in expt.simulations]

            'Serialized_Population_Path': os.path.join(output_paths[0], 'output')     # takes the first simulation in the experiment

If you ran a burn-in experiment that varied key parameters that you would like to also reuse during pickup, you can incorporate setting the Serialized_Population_Path in the builder:

from simtools.Utilities.Experiments import retrieve_experiment
import os

burnin_id = '...' # alphanumeric string
serialize_year = 50 # number of years used in first burn-in simulation, NOT number of years to run pick-up

expt = retrieve_experiment(burnin_id) # Identifies the desired burn-in experiment

            'Serialized_Population_Reading_Type': 'READ',
            'Serialized_Population_Filenames': ['state-%05d.dtk' % (serialize_year*365)],
            'Enable_Random_Generator_From_Serialized_Population': 0,
            'Serialization_Mask_Node_Read': 0,
            'Enable_Default_Reporting' : 0

ser_df = pd.DataFrame([x.tags for x in expt.simulations])  # tags distinguish between burn-in scenarios (ex. varied historical coverage levels)
ser_df["outpath"] = pd.Series([sim.get_path() for sim in expt.simulations])

builder = ModBuilder.from_list([[...,
              ModFn(DTKConfigBuilder.set_param, 'Serialized_Population_Path', os.path.join(row['outpath'], 'output')),
              # set other ModFn()s to incorporate desired data from tags
          for r,row in ser_df.iterrows()   # Run pick-up from each unique burn-in scenario

Analyze experiments


Most of EMOD generated output files are in json format, and the remainder are csv’s. In dtk-tools, Analyzer functions facilitate extracting information from EMOD’s raw output files to produce results in csv’s or as figures.

Required modules

import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from simtools.Analysis.AnalyzeManager import AnalyzeManager
from simtools.Analysis.BaseAnalyzers import BaseAnalyzer
from simtools.SetupParser import SetupParser

Other modules such as datetime may also be helpful, depending on the type of output and desired manipulations.

Basic structure of an Analyzer

The Analyzer Class should be defined using a meaningful name, i.e. InsetChartAnalyzer for an analyzer that processes InsetChart.json outputs. A class in Python allows constructing custom objects with associated attributes and functions.

Each class starts with a definition of custom parameters and objects attributes via __init__ and self. This requires a few edits across simulation experiments but tends to stay relatively unchanged within the same experiment setup.

The filter function is optional. It allows the analyzer to only analyze a subset of simulations in an experiment by filtering based on simulation tags. For example, the user can request the analyzer only analyze simulations where the tag SMC_Coverage has the value 1 (if this is a tag the user specified when building their experiment), or simulations that succeeded. This functionality can be useful when debugging large experiments. If the filter function is not specified, then all simulations are targeted for analysis.

The select_simulation_data is a custom function applied to extract data from the EMOD output file and needs to be modified the most across different EMOD output file types and according to the user’s needs.

Finally, the finalize checks the extracted data, aggregates data from multiple simulations in the same experiment, and then saves or plots the data. The checking of the simulation stays mostly the same across simulations while the part of processing the simulation data is highly variable across projects and depends on the desired results.

class InsetChartAnalyzer(BaseAnalyzer): ...

    # 1 - Definition of custom parameters and object attributes
    def __init__(self, ...

    # Optional
    def filter(self, simulation):

    # 2 - Extract and select data from the json output files
    def select_simulation_data(self, data, simulation):

    # 3 - Check the extracted data and then save or plot the data
    def finalize(self, all_data):

Analyze InsetChart

The InsetChartAnalyzer is used to explain the Analyzer structure in detail.

1 Setup analyzer class & define parameters

You don’t need to understand the python fundamentals in depth, just what each line does and what to modify.

  • The first two lines including the __init__(self,.. and super is required in each analyzer class. Be sure to update the analyzer name in super.

  • The second line filenames=["output/InsetChart.json"] defines the EMOD output file to be analyzed. It is written in a list so that analyzers have the capability of combining data from multiple files. Generally we use 1 output file per analyzer.

  • The next lines that start with self attach each argument that the user has passed to the analyzer (expt_name, etc) to the analyzer class via self. This allows easy access to any of these values from any analyzer function via the self object.

  • This analyzer allows the user to specify the parameters expt_name, sweep_variables , channels, and start_year. Generally we use expt_name and sweep_variables across all analyzers we write, while the others are specific to this particular analyzer. All these requested parameters can be modified or extended with additional parameters if needed, according to the user’s needs.

    • These parameters allow the analyzer to take in experiment specific values, for instance simulation start_year is used to convert timesteps into date-time values, as we generally run EMOD in simulation time instead of calendar time.
    • The expt_name parameter lets the user specify the name of the experiment. We often use the experiment name in the file names of outputs from the analyzer, for example aggregated csv’s and figures.
    • The sweep_variables parameter is a list of simulation tags from the experiment that the user would like attached to each simulation. For example, Run_Number to track the random seed, or SMC_Coverage if the experiment sweeps over SMC coverage.
    • The channels is an optional parameter as it takes default values if not specified. It is included in this analyzer so the user has the flexibility to extract different channels from InsetChart.json if needed. If the same channels are always used, one could instead hard code the desired channel names into self.channels and remove the optional argument.
    def __init__(self, expt_name, sweep_variables=None, channels=None, working_dir=".", start_year=2022):
        super(MonthlyInsetChartAnalyzer, self).__init__(working_dir=working_dir, filenames=["output/InsetChart.json"])
        self.sweep_variables = sweep_variables or ["Run_Number"]
        self.channels = channels or  ['Statistical Population', 'New Clinical Cases', 'New Severe Cases', 'PfHRP2 Prevalence']
        self.expt_name = expt_name
        self.start_year = start_year

2 Select simulation data

The select_simulation_data is a custom function that will change the most when adapting an analyzer to different EMOD outputs. Do not change the function definition (the line beginning def select_simulation_data().

EMOD output from the requested output file(s) is stored in data. The first activity of select_simulation_data() is therefore to extract the desired data out of data. data is a dictionary where the keys are the filenames stored in self.filenames and the values are the content of each file.

In this example using InsetChart.json, we read in the data from the json file, keeping only channels that have been specified in self.channels, and convert into a pandas dataframe. The dataframe will have one column for each channel, and each row is the channel value for each timestep in the simulation.

Next, we want to convert the timesteps (row number) into calendar dates. Those are the next 5 lines. We copy simdata.index into simdata['Time'] and create additional variables for Day, Month and Year that are easier to work with, as well as a date column that is a datetime.date object.

Finally, the sweep variables corresponding to the simulation tags of the experiment are attached, the dataframe is returned, and the returned dataframe is automatically passed on to the next and final step of the analyzer. It is not required to return a dataframe but it is required to return something: the data of interest from the simulation.

    def select_simulation_data(self, data, simulation):
        simdata = pd.DataFrame({x: data[self.filenames[0]]['Channels'][x]['Data'] for x in self.inset_channels})
        simdata['Time'] = simdata.index
        simdata['Day'] = simdata['Time'] % 365
        simdata['Month'] = simdata['Day'].apply(lambda x: self.monthparser((x + 1) % 365))
        simdata['Year'] = simdata['Time'].apply(lambda x: int(x / 365) + self.start_year)
        simdata['date'] = simdata.apply(lambda x: datetime.date(int(x['Year']), int(x['Month']), 1), axis=1)

        for sweep_var in self.sweep_variables:
            if sweep_var in simulation.tags.keys():
                simdata[sweep_var] = simulation.tags[sweep_var]
        return simdata

3 Finalize

This part checks the simulation data returned by select_simulation_data and aggregates data across all simulations in the experiment into the adf dataframe. In this example, the analyzer saves results into the specified working_dir/expt_name subfolder. Other analyzers may use the finalize() function to plot and save a figure.

We typically do not modify the first 4 lines of finalize() (creation of selected and checking that it contains data). If select_simulation_data returns a dataframe, then the adf = ... line can stay the same as well. Everything after that should be customized to the user’s needs.

    def finalize(self, all_data):

        selected = [data for sim, data in all_data.items()]
        if len(selected) == 0:
            print("No data have been returned... Exiting...")

        adf = pd.concat(selected).reset_index(drop=True)

        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.working_dir, self.expt_name)):
            os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.working_dir, self.expt_name))

        adf.to_csv(os.path.join(self.working_dir, self.expt_name, 'All_Age_Monthly_Cases.csv'), index=False)

Optional analyzer extensions and helper functions

For instance selecting only simulations with SMC_Coverage at 0.5:

    def filter(self, simulation):
        return simulation.tags["SMC_Coverage"] == 0.5

Helper function to convert months.

    def monthparser(self, x):
        if x == 0:
            return 12
            return datetime.datetime.strptime(str(x), '%j').month

Analyze MalariaSummaryReport

The summary report aggregates the monitored simulation outputs into user-specified agebins, monitoring intervals, and/or parasitemia bins. Outputs such as prevalence by age, incidence by age, and parasite density by age can be obtained through the summary report. Multiple summary reports can be requested in the simulation run script, and analyzers can be built to handle working with multiple summary reports.

class AnnualAgebinPfPRAnalyzer(BaseAnalyzer):

    def __init__(self, expt_name, sweep_variables=None, working_dir='./', start_year=2022,
                 end_year=2025, burnin=None):

        super(AnnualAgebinPfPRAnalyzer, self).__init__(working_dir=working_dir,

Documentation on the summary report is here. If you are writing a new summary report analyzer, you will need to know which part of the summary report contains the data you need.

Within each summary report the channel DataByTimeAndAgeBins reports monitored outputs per time and age it therefore needs to be indexed twice, one for selecting time range and one for selecting agebin. The outer list is time and the inner list is age.

In this example, the data of interest is in DataByTimeAndAgeBins: we extract, for each age group, annually-aggregated PfPR, clinical incidence, severe incidence, and population. All outcomes are combined into a dataframe for each age group, then the age-specific dataframes are concatenated into a single dataframe.

Attaching the sweep variable for the respective simulation is done the same way across analyzers.

    def select_simulation_data(self, data, simulation):

        adf = pd.DataFrame()

        nyears = (self.end_year - self.start_year)
        age_bins = data[self.filenames[0]]['Metadata']['Age Bins']
        d = data[self.filenames[0]]['DataByTimeAndAgeBins']

        for age in range(len(age_bins)):

            pfpr = [x[age] for x in d['PfPR by Age Bin'][:nyears]]
            clinical_cases = [x[age] for x in d['Annual Clinical Incidence by Age Bin'][:nyears]]
            severe_cases = [x[age] for x in d['Annual Severe Incidence by Age Bin'][:nyears]]
            pop = [x[age] for x in d['Average Population by Age Bin'][:nyears]]

            simdata = pd.DataFrame({'year': range(self.start_year, self.end_year),
                                    'PfPR': pfpr,
                                    'Cases': clinical_cases,
                                    'Severe cases': severe_cases,
                                    'Pop': pop})

            simdata['agebin'] = age_bins[age]
            adf = pd.concat([adf, simdata])

        for sweep_var in self.sweep_variables:
            if sweep_var in simulation.tags.keys():
                 adf[sweep_var] = simulation.tags[sweep_var]
        return adf

Analyze ReportEventCounter

The ReportEventCounter, InsetChart, and ReportMalariaFiltered json outputs all have very similar structure, so an analyzer written for one of these output types can usually be easily adapted for another.

In the example below, the InsetChart.json is read in addition to ReportEventCounter.json to obtain not only number of individuals who received and intervention but also the total population per timestep in the simulation. Data from both output files are combined into the same dataframe.

class ReceivedCampaignAnalyzer(BaseAnalyzer):

    def __init__(self, expt_name, channels=None, sweep_variables=None, working_dir='./', start_year=2022):
        super(ReceivedCampaignAnalyzer, self).__init__(working_dir=working_dir,
        self.sweep_variables = sweep_variables or ["Run_Number"]
        self.channels = channels or ['Received_Treatment']
        self.start_year = start_year
        self.expt_name = expt_name

    def select_simulation_data(self, data, simulation):

        simdata = pd.DataFrame({x: data[self.filenames[0]]['Channels'][x]['Data'] for x in self.channels})
        simdata['Population'] = data[self.filenames[1]]['Channels']['Statistical Population']['Data']
        simdata['Time'] = simdata.index
        simdata['Day'] = simdata['Time'] % 365
        simdata['Month'] = simdata['Day'].apply(lambda x: self.monthparser((x + 1) % 365))
        simdata['Year'] = simdata['Time'].apply(lambda x: int(x / 365) + self.start_year)

        for sweep_var in self.sweep_variables:
            if sweep_var in simulation.tags.keys():
                 simdata[sweep_var] = simulation.tags[sweep_var]
        return simdata

Analyze ReportEventRecorder

The ReportEventRecorder is in csv format instead of json and includes events for each single individual in the simulation per event that happened. Some individuals occur multiple times in the csv file while other might not appear even once, depending on the events specified (i.e. if Births are specified every new individual born in the simulation will appear once).

In this example, we look for the event Received_Severe_Treatment and count the number of events by age group. We also account for the case where none of these events occurred during the simulation.

class IndividualEventsAnalyzer(BaseAnalyzer):

    def __init__(self, expt_name, agebins=None,
                 sweep_variables=None, working_dir=".", start_year=2010, end_year=2020):
        super(IndividualEventsAnalyzer, self).__init__(working_dir=working_dir,
        self.sweep_variables = sweep_variables or ["Run_Number"]
        self.event_name = 'Received_Severe_Treatment'
        self.agebins = agebins or [1, 5, 200]
        self.expt_name = expt_name
        self.start_year = start_year
        self.end_year = end_year

    def select_simulation_data(self, data, simulation):

        output_data = data[self.filenames[0]]
        output_data = output_data[output_data['Event_Name'] == self.event_name]

        simdata = pd.DataFrame()
        if len(output_data) > 0:  # there are events of this type
            output_data['Day'] = output_data['Time'] % 365
            output_data['month'] = output_data['Day'].apply(lambda x: self.monthparser((x + 1) % 365))
            output_data['year'] = output_data['Time'].apply(lambda x: int(x / 365) + self.start_year)
            output_data['age in years'] = output_data['Age'] / 365

            for agemax in self.agebins:
                if agemax < 200:
                    agelabel = 'U%d' % agemax
                    agelabel = 'all_ages'
                if agemax == 5:
                   agemin = 0.25
                    agemin = 0
                d = output_data[(output_data['age in years'] < agemax) & (output_data['age in years'] > agemin)]
                g = d.groupby(['year', 'month'])['Event_Name'].agg(len).reset_index()
                g = g.rename(columns={'Event_Name': 'Num_%s_Received_Severe_Treatment' % agelabel})
                if simdata.empty:
                    simdata = g
                    if not g.empty :
                        simdata = pd.merge(left=simdata, right=g, on=['year', 'month'], how='outer')
                        simdata = simdata.fillna(0)

            for sweep_var in self.sweep_variables:
                if sweep_var in simulation.tags.keys():
                    simdata[sweep_var] = simulation.tags[sweep_var]
            simdata = pd.DataFrame(columns=['year', 'month', 'Num_U5_Received_Severe_Treatment',
                                            'Num_all_ages_Received_Severe_Treatment'] + self.sweep_variables)
        return simdata